Carbon PNW Essential - Pick Your Program

🔥 Ignite Your Potential: Elevate Your Fitness Journey After 35! 🔥 Are you an experienced athlete/weekend warrior on the path to wellness, aged 35 and above, seeking to shatter those stubborn plateaus and redefine what's possible for your body and mind? Welcome to a personalized journey tailored to your advanced needs, where breaking barriers and embracing growth become the new norm. It's time to recognize that age is just a number and that your journey towards peak fitness is far from over. As a seasoned individual who has faced the daunting challenges of the fitness world, you understand that the key to progress lies in constant evolution. That's where I come in – your dedicated partner, your motivator, and your guide on this next phase of your transformation. In this exclusive program, we don't settle for mediocrity. We're committed to pushing past limitations, whether they're physical, mental, or emotional. Together, we'll create a blueprint that aligns with your unique goals, respects your body's wisdom, and takes your history into account. I understand the demands of your life – the responsibilities, the commitments, and the ever-present need for balance. That's why we'll craft a sustainable plan that integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle, amplifying your progress without sacrificing the harmony you've worked hard to achieve. Accountability takes center stage here. It's easy to fall into complacency when you're operating on your own. But imagine having a dedicated partner who not only believes in your potential but also holds you accountable every step of the way. We'll celebrate victories, analyze setbacks, and adjust our approach as needed. With regular check-ins, data-driven insights, and unwavering support, you'll find renewed motivation to tackle each day with vigor. You've experienced the power of discipline and consistency, and now it's time to tap into your reservoir of untapped potential. Whether you're aiming to achieve a specific milestone, conquer a new physical challenge, or simply want to cultivate a deeper sense of well-being, I am here to guide you. Together, we'll explore advanced training techniques, optimize nutrition strategies, prioritize recovery, and harness the strength of your mindset. If you're ready to rewrite the story of your fitness journey, breaking through plateaus and reaching new heights, I invite you to take this step forward. Let's embark on a transformation that not only reshapes your body but also empowers your spirit. Your age is your badge of experience, and I am here to help you wear it proudly as you blaze the trail to a fitter, stronger, and more vibrant you. The path is set, the commitment is real – are you prepared to exceed even your own expectations? Your breakthrough awaits.

Plan Includes

  • Premier Level Coach

  • Custom Training Program

  • 1x/Week Workout File Analysis In Carbon PNW App

  • Up To 1 Hour Per Month Of Phone/Video Calls

  • Up To 4 Email/Text Communications Per Month With 24 Hour Responsiveness (Excludes Sundays)

  • 1x/Week Training Plan Adjustments

  • Program Options:

  • Weight Loss

  • Mass Builder

  • Xtreme Shred

  • Hybrid

  • Road and Trail Running

  • *Excludes Contest Prep

How it works

  • I believe that the journey to exceptional results requires a strong commitment from both sides. To ensure the highest level of effectiveness and success, my selection process is designed to bring together individuals who are truly dedicated to their fitness and wellness transformation. Here's how it works:
  • 1. Initial Inquiry:
  • When you express interest in working with me, you'll be required to fill out a detailed questionnaire. This step allows me to gain insights into your goals, challenges, medical history, and your current fitness regimen. Understanding your motivations, limitations, and aspirations helps me determine if we're a good fit to embark on this journey together.
  • 2. Discovery Call:
  • If your initial inquiry aligns with my coaching philosophy and approach, we'll schedule a discovery call. This call is an opportunity for us to have a more in-depth conversation. I'll ask you further questions about your fitness history, lifestyle, preferences, and any specific roadblocks you've encountered. Likewise, you can ask me any questions you have about my coaching style, methods, and what you can expect from the program.
  • 3. Goal Alignment:
  • During the discovery call, we'll also discuss your long-term and short-term goals. This is a crucial step as it helps us determine whether our aspirations are aligned and if my expertise can genuinely contribute to your journey. I'm dedicated to working with individuals who are passionate about achieving meaningful goals and are willing to put in the effort required.
  • 4. Program Customization:
  • If both parties feel that we're a great fit, and you're committed to the process, I'll create a personalized fitness and wellness program tailored to your specific needs, goals, and any constraints. This program will encompass various aspects, including workout routines, nutrition plans, recovery strategies, and mindset cultivation.
  • 5. Mutual Commitment:
  • Before we officially begin the coaching journey, we'll establish a mutual commitment. This commitment involves agreeing to the expectations, responsibilities, and communication channels that will ensure our collaboration is as productive and supportive as possible.
  • 6. Ongoing Accountability and Support:
  • Throughout the program, we'll have regular check-ins, progress assessments, and adjustments to the plan as needed. The journey is dynamic, and I'm committed to keeping you on track, motivated, and accountable for the actions necessary to achieve your goals.
  • 7. Continuous Evaluation:
  • As we progress, we'll regularly evaluate your results and the effectiveness of the program. This ongoing evaluation ensures that we're staying aligned with your goals and making necessary adjustments for optimal results.
  • Please understand that my selection process is designed to ensure that both you and I are fully invested in the journey ahead. If, at any point, we find that our collaboration isn't achieving the desired results, I'll work with you to make the necessary adjustments or provide guidance on alternative paths that might better suit your needs. Your commitment, dedication, and enthusiasm are key to making this journey a transformative and successful one.
Select Plan
4 months

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